Covid-19: Cutting through the Noise

As the economic uncertainty accelerates and the fallout continues, markets begin to take comfort from the actions of policymakers, our latest weekly update contains fresh key data and insights to explain these trends.

The aim is to provide you with a single curated source of key facts and analysis to save you trying to distil the cacophony of information out there.

This week it features more analysis on jobs and lessons to learn from China.

Download the latest update here – IIE_Covid-19_Cutting_Through_the_Noise_2020-04-21.pdf

We hope you find this useful, and please do feel free to share with your colleagues and contacts.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions. We also welcome your feedback on what else might be most helpful and what you would like to see more of from us going forward, as we all evolve with the changing times.

Our next event on 13 May will now be a webinar in light of the government’s continuing advice on the importance of maintaining social distancing. We will examine the macro landscape post-pandemic, a critical step to making long-term decisions, and understand where the opportunity set may be settling. Look out for further details on the programme and how to sign up next week.


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