News & Commentary

Global Insurance Trends 21.10.2016

This week, the Association of British Insurers (ABI) lobbied for the proposed minor whiplash injury compensation reform to be introduced soonest by the UK government.

EU insurance regulator eyes changes to Solvency II

The EU insurance regulator EIOPA is planning to change the current Solvency II regulations to as it worries about super-low interest rates and the impact of today's uncertain macro environment.

Caution grips insurers - September 2016 voting results

Caution continues to grip the majority of insurers, according to the results of the anonymous polls taken at the most recent Insurance Investment Exchange seminar on 20 September 2016.

Global Insurance Trends 12.10.2016

This week, Standard & Poor's were particularly active in their comments on the markets.

Lower for Longer?

The full reality of a world where returns are going to be lower for longer is starting to cast its shadow across financial institutions, asset managers and regulators.

Global Insurance Trends 27.09.2016

This week, Lloyd's announced an increase in pre-tax profit for the first half, but the combined ratio also rose from 89.5 to 98.


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