The Pulse, a new series of half-day events with a focus on topicality and current dynamics in specific asset classes of interest to insurers, was launched by the Insurance Investment Exchange at the end of March.
News & Commentary
This week, Lloyd's, in collaboration with the University of Surrey, published two seminal papers – “Taking control: artificial intelligence and insurance” and “Taking control: robots and risk". They emphasize how important these technologies are in this increasingly digitalised world, and how they will impact all aspects of the insurance/reinsurance markets.
The discussion round the table focused on two options of particular interest to insurers – long lease assets and infrastructure debt.
The first Insurance Investment Exchange seminar of 2019, held at Salters’ Hall in the City of London, dipped its toes into the chilly currents of economic uncertainty swirling around the global economy. Volatility and uncertainty might be all around them but the chief investment officers in the audience were certain about one thing.
The first Insurance Investment Exchange seminar of 2019 set out to capture the mood of uncertainty sweeping across the economies of the developed world and analyse its impact on the assets insurers have relied on to ensure they meet their obligations and contribute to the success of their businesses.
Turbulent economic and financial times are often marked by a flight to quality, especially among institutional investors as they strive to protect themselves against unpredictable downsides.