News & Commentary

Steady as she goes for private credit

The focus of this week’s Insurance Investment Exchange seminar - held over two mornings - was private credit. Will Nicoll, Chief Investment Officer, Private and Alternative Assets at M&G Investments, who joined one of the panels, expanded on his thoughts in an interview with the Insurance Investment Exchange.

Webinar opens up discussion about post-Covid challenges for insurers

The Insurance Investment Exchanges’s first virtual event opened up the discussion about the challenges insurers face on the investment front in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

PRA could push for Solvency II changes

The Prudential Regulation Authority has said that changes to the Solvency II regime could be needed in response to the pandemic, Brexit and climate change.

Data, debate and discussion on the way forward

Lockdown hasn’t quite ended, but little shoots of normality are appearing as countries begin to reopen. Our recent weekly updates contain helpful summaries of key data, trends and analysis to help insurance company investemnt bosses cut through the noise.

Searching for the light at the end of the tunnel

Searching for the light at the end of the tunnel

Unprecedented uncertainty looms over insurers’ investment portfolios. Normally in times of market turbulence, there are data from previous crises that can help plot a course through but not this time.

London Market braced for the storm

London Market braced for the storm

The London insurance market is at the eye of the storm when it comes to major claims arising from the pandemic. From event cancellation through marine and aviation to the thorny issue of business interruption cover the sums being talked about run into hundreds of millions.


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