News & Commentary

Global Insurance Trends 15.02.2017

This week, Willis Re reported that insured losses from natural catastrophes reached $39.5bn last year -the highest since 2012.

Road to Brexit starts to become clearer

Insurers and asset managers struggling to see how Brexit will impact them found the way ahead becoming just a little clearer over the last week.

Global Insurance Trends 07.02.2017

This week, Insurance Europe highlighted Solvency II issues which need to be addressed, and Clyde & Co commented on the UK Government's Brexit White Paper, which provided some comfort to the insurance industry.

LCCG to launch UK life insurance company

The transaction will represent LCCG’s first acquisition in the UK and is expected to form the platform for further acquisitions in the UK.

Trump’s trade tantrums

Markets, commentators and investors have been turning somersaults trying to come to terms with the implications of the Trump Presidency. They had better get used to doing so as the new President is busy tearing up the rulebooks, especially the one entitled global trade.

Global Insurance Trends 01.02.2017

This week, there were a wide range of trend publications. Beazley Breach Insights reported that ransomware attacks quadrupled in 2016.


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