Italian insurer Generali Group described its 2016 results as “excellent”, benefitting from “very strong net inflows” in its Life segment, an earlier cost cutting exercise, and a change in the product mix of its domestic business.
News & Commentary
We may have a climate change sceptic in the White House who threatens to pull the United States out of the hard-won accord signed in Paris in December 2015
This week, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) launched a major consultation package covering proposed revisions to a number of IAIS Insurance Core Principles and ComFrame-related material, in addition to an Application Paper on Group Corporate Governance.
This week, a change in the Ogden personal injury discount rate created an uproar.
This week, Lloyd's announced Bruce Carnegie-Brown as its next chairman.
There is a rising sense of nervousness among European insurers and their regulators about the impact of the Trump administration’s ‘America First’ policy on global regulation of the insurance sector.