On the face of it, investing in infrastructure projects should hold obvious appeal for insurance companies, particularly those on the life and annuity side.
News & Commentary
The Insurance Investment Exchange events in March and May 2015 tackled a key dilemma for insurance companies: in today’s environment of challenged yields and regulatory change, where does the fixed income portfolio evolve to next? This thought leadership paper from summer 2015 echoes the ensuing debate
Be prepared for everything and be prepared for nothing. That seems to be the confusing message from central banks when it comes to interest rates and quantitative easing.
It is all too easy to put big issues into neat silos. The financial services sector can be especially guilty of this, frequently congratulating itself on making clever financial connections but often seeming blinkered to wider political and social contexts.
We are delighted to announce that the Insurance Investment Exchange has been shortlisted for ‘Insurance Event of the Year’ for the inaugural Insurance Marketing and PR Awards 2015.
"A profound sense of unease has descended upon me in recent weeks, and it isn’t due to the weather or England’s sporting prowess."