News & Commentary

Ratings agencies hold their nerve on Ukraine

Leading ratings agencies have moved quickly to publish reassuring assessments of the implications of the war in Ukraine on the insurance industry.

Battle lines drawn over Solvency reforms

Just hours after Bank of England executive director Vicky Saporta warned MPs on the Treasury Select Committee of the dangers of weakening regulation in pursuit of competitiveness, City Minister John Glen stood up at the Association of British Insurers annual dinner and outlined plans to slash bureaucracy and relax regulation in a move the Treasury says will unlock growth and unleash investment in UK infrastructure.

EU disappoints on green taxonomy

The future of the European Union’s green taxonomy is back in the melting pot as a fresh stand-off between the European Commission and European Parliament threatens to derail the already delayed policy.

Asset bubble fears surface in World Economic Forum report

The 17th Global Risks Report produced for the World Economic Forum has highlighted fears among political and business leaders around the world that the next two years will see a heightened risk of a major asset bubble burst, writes David Worsfold, contributing editor.

Reaching out to a green, hybrid world

In the second of two articles, seven people with different perspectives on the insurance industry’s investment scene offer their predictions of what 2022 might hold.

Reaching out to normality?

New Year predictions have always been laced with caveats, uncertainty and the hope that by the end of the year they do not look ridiculously wide of the mark. The global chaos caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has doubled and re-doubled that uncertainty but are we, at last, reaching out to normality?


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