News & Commentary

Regulatory turbulence looms on the horizon

Whoever emerges as the victor from the Conservative Party’s seemingly interminable leadership contest later this week will face an in-tray at Downing Street that will be overflowing with urgent government business.

Eyes down for the next regulatory shake-up

The government threw the City a weighty tome of summer reading the day before MPs left Westminster for the summer when it published the long-awaited Financial Services and Markets Bill on 20 July.

New faces at Treasury, FCA … and a robust defence by the PRA

The unprecedented chaos of the last week, as the government imploded, left the country bewildered and many struggling to keep up with the whirlwind pace of events. As the dust settles, at least for a brief interlude, we find many new faces in key roles affecting the City and the insurance market, writes David Worsfold, contributing editor.

US opens up debate on capital standards

The eyes of UK insurers may be firmly fixed on the push by the Treasury to persuade the Prudential Regulation Authority to loosen some of the strict rules inherited from Solvency II but elsewhere in the world the debate is moving on. In doing so, it has opened a fault line between US insurers and their European counterparts.

We need to work harder to reach net zero, says ABI

The general insurance and long-term savings industry is making significant progress in setting transparent net zero targets but needs to “take the hand brake off”, says Andy Briggs Chair, CEO, Phoenix Group and chair of the Association of British Insurers’ Climate Change Committee.

Davos: inflation gloom in the spring sunshine

The World Economic Forum in Davos may have moved from the depths of winter to the spring but its mood has rarely been gloomier
, writes Contributing Editor David Worsfold.


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